Battle of the Buildings 2018

Battle of the Buildings is a property-wide sustainability program based in New York City. The program is dedicated to reducing energy and water consumption through community education, friendly competitions, data transparency, and tenant collaboration.

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Compete with your Neighbors. Save the Planet.

The energy used in New York City’s buildings is responsible for nearly three-quarters of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the vast majority of our existing buildings will still be here in 2050. Energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective methods for reducing greenhouse gas and other environmental pollutant emissions

Through tenant and property management participation, the Battle of the Buildings Program challenges building owners and operators in New York City to realize the benefits of energy efficiency.


Top honors will go to the most efficient buildings and the buildings making the greatest energy improvements,but all buildings will be recognized for participating and for striving to improve New York's environment.

Reduce Monthly Energy Bills

Participants should aim to reduce energy consumption and water consumption by 10%

Data Transparency

Participating properties must report monthly energy, water and waste data. By entering your data, you are helping environmental agencies gather ciritical data that can help identify more ways we can sustain our planet.

Earn ENERGY STAR Property Distinction

Every tenant who reduces their energy consumption by 10% for 6 consecutive months will earn this presigious award.

Property Improvements

The money saved on energy consumption will be used to upgrade property ameinities such as the addition of a new pool, tennis court, and basketball court.

Protect the Future

Help protect future geneations of human life by creating sustainable practices, contributing to important data collection, and reducing your carbon footprint

Improve Your Health

Improve the air and water quality by reducing Greenhoues gases


How it Works


Keep your refrigerator at 35 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit.


Each degree above 75°F that you set your air conditioner’s thermostat saves you 3% of the energy used to cool your home.


Rechargeable batteries are generally more cost effective than standard batteries.


For better fuel efficiency, do not idle your car for more than 60 seconds.


When you shut down your computer, don’t forget to turn off the monitor - it can use twice as much energy as the computer!


Run the dishwasher early in the morning or late at night to reduce the impact on the electric grid when demand is greatest during the day.


Seal and insulate your furnace ducts to improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system by as much as 20%.


Stream your content smartly. Streaming through a game console uses up to 10 times more energy than streaming on a laptop or tablet.


Replace incandescent light bulbs with ENERGY STAR certified LEDs that use only 20%–25% of the energy and last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.